10 Reasons To Keep TikTok

 1. If We Ban TikTok China Will Have To Spy On Up The Old Fashioned Way: With Ballons

2.  TikTok Is a human right. The Declaration of Independence says to right to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Spy apps.

3. If you work for TikTok you have a free Parental Control App. 

4. TikTok easily tells employers who not to hire. It's like the reverse of Zip Recruiter (Insert Code Shapiro for 10% off)

5. What's the Daily Wire going to react to now? Newspaper articles?

6. The Homeschoolers said to keep it. Oh, wait they thought I was talking about a clock.

7. What else are Smartphones for? Calls, texts, and YouTube are so retro but not retro chic. 

8. Poor developer ben will lose his years of hard work.

9. TikTok is better than paying for cable.

10. No we will have to just give China our secrets. 
