Criminals Listening To Palm Sunday Message Find New Way Of Theft

     The Monday after Palm Sunday has been a hectic one. Carjackings, food theft, and animal theft has skyrocketed to 300%. And no, this in not in California. 

Sign Showing some of the Ten Commandments

    Local police chiefs are powerless to stop the criminals as the entire police force was stolen. The police chief says that the criminals are non-violent.  

    When asked how this happened, Police chief John Jonson said, "Criminals are simply walking up to cars, stealing them, and driving off. People have asked why they are taking it and they said, "The Lord has need of it." The people just say ok and let them go. 

    The criminals reportedly attend Pastor Billy's Church, Ebenezer Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational Church of Praise, God, and Christ, and he was giving his annual Palm Sunday sermon. When he got to the part about the disciples getting the donkey for Jesus, half of the people got up and stole everything in sight.    

    The criminals then stole from the US military with the only resistance being put up bu the 'woke' people who had no respect for God and country.   

At reporting time China stole Taiwan because "The Lord has need of it."
