Opinion As A Black Teenager Living in the Suburbs: White Oak Trees Uphold Systemic Racism

This OpEd does not Necessarily Reflect the views of TheTechBoy Media.

     As I was scrolling through TikTok I saw this article from Washington Post. I know that they are usually a good anti-racist source, are unbiased towards all politicians (even evil ones like Desantis), and care about the environment.   

    I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Dana Milbank, one of my favorite columnists had written the article. The article was well-written and I enjoyed the attention given to native plants, shrubs, and bushes until he referenced white oak trees. I immediately shriveled up in horror.

    White Oak trees perpetuate white supremacy and should actually be called Black or Native American Oak Trees. See, when the first racist colonizers came to, for lack of a better word, America, the natives already had a word for the trees. They used the trees for food, fuel, and in their beautiful religious practices. However, the white devils could not understand it and they called it whipig.

    When the original Americans (Black slaves) saw the tree, they called it a Black oak tree. The white devils could not have any of that so they called it a Black oak tree. They even used this tree to hang runaway slaves on desecrating the Natives' sacred tree. 

    Now race relations are not as contentious (more work needs to be done), but I have had awful lived experiences around this tree. This tree grows in my backyard reminding me of white SUPREMACY culture. This tree was planted and cultivated by white devils and it reminds me of hard work and determination all things that are white and therefore bad.  

    The town I live in the epitome of 1950's America. Farm life, church, and homeschool families. You can not throw a rock without hitting someone playing Adventures in Odyssey. Here, in this small town, I see these trees, lawns, and whites all around me and I just weep for America's systemic racism.

    The town is racist as well. One time I had to stand in line behind a white person to drink from the same water fountain. My beautiful black lips should not have to be near te same fountain that devil has touched. Another time a homeschool mom 'didn't see me' and nearly ran over me in her gas-guzzling Suburban.

     The HOA is very strict on lawns which is racist. Laws need to respect the native land before the wites viciously terminated and farmed it. white Oak tree seeds (and other seeds) were sold causing the racist art of having a garden to be perpetuated. Lawns are racist. white Oaks are racist. If you must plant a tree in your lawn, plant a Black walnut, or have a wild lawn like Milbank suggests. Also, for the love of all that is good don't plan a racist colonialist white oak. 

    I demand Dana Milbank retract the article and The Post to apologize to the Black community for the article's racist roots. Now, I respect the man and don't want him to lose his job, but the emotional trauma that was pent up inside of me came out of me and I knew I had to write this. The effect planting a white oak will have on the Black community is profound.

This OpEd does not Necessarily Reflect the views of TheTechBoy Media.    
