5 Things Liberals and Conservatives Can Agree On

 1. Murdering a Black Person While They Are Outside The Womb Is Bad

    For Libs not murdering inside the womb is basically White Supremacy...also the earth will burn so don't have babies #BLM  

2. Big Tech Is Bad!!

    Libs hate him because they hate people making money and want to break up American Greatness!! Conservatives hate them because of Censorship.

3. Change Is Needed!!

    We need change!! Everyone can agree on that.

4. Kids Suck.

    Conservatives: Kids need to get of their butts. Why back when I was a kid I was walking uphill to school with only Gameboy. Then I worked on a farm and listened to Adventures and Odyssey while doing Abeka and holding a Bible. Oh, TikTok sucks. Screens bad.

Libs: Kill em before they are born. If they had the misfortune of being born then you kids need to save the environment and stop having so much screen time. Screens bad.

5: Liberals and Conservatives Cannot Agree On Anything

    C'mon we can't even agree on a tax cut. You think we can agree on abortion? Also, I HATE YOU!!! 
