Local Trolls finally seen the sunlight for the first time 30 yrs.

 Cybe..glitch glich space

Sunlight Streaming Through Trees

    Local Trolls have finally seen the sunlight for the first time 30 yrs. After their favorite BBS they accessed via Dial-up went down in 2009 they switched to forums, then switched to Reddit and Twitter. After Reddit apps went down they just used Twitter until that fateful day...when the Rate limit was exceeded. 

    Troll, @Wellaksually889, was just about to refresh his feed, where he could do productive things like tweet and comment nasty things at the Babylon Bee, Pastors, and Intelligent tech reviewers. However, he could not see he feed.  "I just broke down and cried right there. My 30yr career of trolling was over," said 37 yr old @Wellaksually889. "I had to go outside, and it was hot but the world was not burning like I thought it was. Wahhhhh."

At reporting time, @Wellaksually889, had a heart attack after waking for the first time in 30 yrs. He is expected to Recover
