KeysForKids: Admits Their People Have Devotional Processing Units

In a shocking report, KeysForKids Ministries admits that all their devotional characters have a built-in processor that can turn anything into a devotional. 

    " Yes, our characthers has a devitional processing unit. They can turn anything into a devotional. Our newest model can turn a rock, a cellphone, a tree, even a piece of dust into an inspiring life lesson." CC pressed Keys For Kids For a demonstration and they relented.

     "Say Bob comes in from playing baseball and has dust on his pants. Dad will say, 'hey son could you dust off your pants hey this reminds me of a story of how Adam was formed out of the dust of the ground.' "

In other news, youth pastors have continued to blame cell phones for every sin that has ever existed and have also told the teens to follow the church on Instagram.   
