In light of the terrible allegations against Kash Patel, that he might have had a house party where 2 people allegedly had premarital sex 30 yes ago CC has done some investigative reporting. Here are 12 HORRIBLE things Kash Patel has done.
1st Grade Kash licks the floor showing he doesn't believe in germs.
2nd Grade Kash accepts candy bribes to let his friends go to the front of the line.
3rd grade Kash viciously discriminate against girls saying that they have 'cooties' and 'the cheese touch.'
4th grade Kash failed a history test, showing that he want to erase black history.
5th grade Kash skips a dodgeball game in gym, lying that he has to go to the nurse.
6th grade Kash asked a girl to the school dance and she rejected him. -Editors Note We here at TheTechBoy Media do not condone teen dating.
7th grade Kash uses the internet when his dad needs to use the phone.
8th grade Kash looks over the shoulder of someone to see their answer sheet.
9th grade Kash doesn't vote in the HS election, showing he hates democracy.
10th grade Kash hugs a girl who is not his wife, reneging on his promise to 'never touch a cootie laced girl as long as I live'
11th grade Kash runs for student body president and loses, showing nobody likes him.
12th grade Kash wins the election and celebrates by speeding in Sega Rally Championship. Showing he doesn't believe in the will of the people in 12th grade and that rules don't apply to him.
This man is not fit to be FBI director!!
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