An astounding development was released on Wednesday after multiple weeks of study. Exclusive footage was taken at Riverwoods Wednesday night youth service, and access to the production computers was vital in uncovering this scandal. Local investigator investigatinge gave the exclusive.
"After investigatig for weeks, we found that the singers were faking. Using the pictures and videos obtained from our investigators, the church's Instagram page, and a tool called Snap Map, we determined that the microphones being used were Atlas CX3-47. This type of mic requires users to be within 3 inches of the mic to work. Other mics in use are the long-range Atlas LX7, which is primarily used on Sundays. This has an omnidirectional range of 7 inches.
Using the available footage, we saw that on Wednesday nights, half the singers held the mic near their waist, approximately 2 feet from their mouth, so the mics did not pick up their voices. Also, when the long-range mics were in use, singers barely stood close to a mic and stood exactly in the zone where no one should hear them. When pressed on the matter the singer said that they normally just moved their mouths and jumper around, though this was disputed by Investigator Clementine as half of the woman singers wore high heels.
At reporting time, access to the church's computers showed that the "unscripted Holy Spirit-led Youth service" was scripted in ProPresenter 6, shown to the teleprompter, with audio cues ready to go.
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